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Location: UNH Law, 2 White Street, Concord, NH
Scheduled Panelists:
- Alexa Felix – Alexa is a survivor of suicide loss and also lives with her own mental health struggles. She is passionate about mental health awareness and breaking the stigma surrounding it. She is currently working alongside Jordan on a blog post to launch a men’s mental health initiative aimed at challenging the stigma around men’s mental health.
- Karen Privé – Karen is a suicide attempt survivor who is grateful to still be here. She is a mental health advocate and creator of Invincible Hope, a blog about her mental health journey.
- Jordan Trombly – Jordan is recent college graduate who deals with mental health struggles and has lived experience with family and friends with mental health issues. He is passionate about opening up the conversation on mental health and reducing stigma. He is also currently working on a blog post about men’s mental health.
- Lucy Hodder – Professor, UNH Franklin Pierce School of Law
Registration required. Click here to register.