training opportunities
NAMI NH offers a variety of standard and customizable training workshops on mental health, crisis response, and suicide prevention. Many of these trainings can be presented either in-person or virtually and can be adapted to best suit your audience. NAMI NH has decades of experience delivering impactful trainings locally, nationally, and internationally to audiences including educators; law enforcement and first responders; businesses; mental health professionals; students; nonprofit organizations; and community groups.
Click here to request a training workshop or resource table.
Unsure which training(s) to select? Contact us to discuss options that will best meet your needs.
Anti-Stigma/Awareness Raising
This training explores the myths and misconceptions about mental illness and the impact stigma has on the individual, family and community. The expanded version includes an In Our Own Voice speaker sharing their personal story of hope and recovery.
Training Length: 1-3 hours or half day
Interventions/Crisis Response
This training provides foundational knowledge around mental illness and current resources and supports including:
- Recognizing signs and symptoms related to mental health conditions
- Understanding impact of stigma and trauma
- Skills for intervening with someone exhibiting signs of crisis
- Identifying resources and avenues for referral
The expanded version may include an In Our Own Voice and/or Life Interrupted speaker sharing their personal story.
Training Length: 1-3 hours, half day, or full day
This training is designed to help managers and other employees better understand the experience of persons with mental illness to provide:
- Increased awareness and insight of mental health conditions
- Effective communication strategies
- Ways to support individuals who are struggling
- Available supports and community resources
The expanded version may include an In Our Own Voice and/or Life Interrupted speaker sharing their personal story.
Training Length: 1-3 hours or half day
This training for first responders, including law enforcement and corrections personnel, is a solution focused community response to helping people with mental illness. CIT programs bring stakeholders together from the law enforcement, corrections, other first responders, behavioral health and advocacy sectors, along with people with lived experience with mental illness, to develop solutions for safely re-directing people in crisis away from the criminal justice system and into the healthcare system whenever appropriate.
Training Length: 5 days/40 hours
This refresher training for first responders, including law enforcement and corrections personnel, is intended for individuals who have already completed the full CIT Program. Refresher training is recommended every two years for CIT trained personnel to ensure they are up to date with current practices and resources.
Training Length: half day or full day
Child & Adolescent Mental Health
For educators, school personnel, and other youth serving programs, this training helps participants:
- Understand the need for early identification/intervention
- Recognize the signs/symptoms of common conditions
- Learn ways to support children/youth and their families
- Examine common misconceptions about mental illness
- Learn the warning signs for suicide and how to connect with resources
- Develop strategies to partner with families to improve outcomes for children and youth
- Understand challenges to accessing treatment and resources
This training includes a Life Interrupted speaker sharing their personal story of hope and recovery.
Training Length: half day or full day
For those who work or interact with youth, this training helps raise awareness of depression and suicide prevention and promotes dialogue in a safe environment.
Training Length: 1-3 hours
For those who work with youth, this training includes a youth perspective on growing up with, and relying on, technology and its impact on human development. Participants will learn about research on the role that connectedness to technology, e.g. mobile-based and social media, plays in youth development of all ages, communication and relationships with others, and how these factors relate to signs and symptoms of anxiety and depression.
Training Length: half day
For those who work with or interact with children/adolescents, this training helps participants learn signs/symptoms of childhood anxiety and depression, warning signs for suicide, tips for helping the child, suggested accommodations for the school setting, and resources.
Training Length: 1-3 hours
Older Adults
Although depression in older adults may not be uncommon, it is not a normal part of aging. This workshop provides an overview of symptoms to look for in older adults, including risk factors to be aware of, treatment interventions and tips on how to support family and care partners.
Training Length: 1-3 hours
Depression and dementia are common in older people, and may occur separately or together. Symptoms of each can be quite similar, and service providers of older adults, as well as family members, may assume an individual has dementia when in fact they have depression (or vice versa). This workshop explains how these conditions differ, what to look for to help differentiate, and why it is important to “dig deeper” and connect with support.
Training Length: 1-3 hours
Suicide Prevention
CEUs can be arranged for some suicide prevention trainings with advance notice for an additional fee.
A Nationally Designated Best Practice Program, training on how to recognize the warning signs of suicide increases and how to connect with the person to get them appropriate help including strategies on how to understand and access key community services for an effective and comprehensive response.
Training Length: 1-3 hours, half day, or full day
A Nationally Designated Best Practice Program that assists communities on how to coordinate a comprehensive and safe response to a suicide that includes:
- Strategies for reducing the risk of contagion
- Review of the complexity of suicide-related grief, especially for different age groups
- Recommendations for funerals and memorial activities
- Suggestions of how to talk to survivors of suicide loss to promote their healing
- Best practices for safe messaging about suicide and responding to the media
- Identification of community resources to promote healing
Training Length: 1-3 hours, half day, or full day
A Nationally Designated Best Practice Program, Connect Train-the-Trainer builds capacity and sustainability for a community or state to provide ongoing training in suicide prevention and postvention, generates suicide prevention and postvention champions who will possess increased understanding to address these issues in a comprehensive manner in their communities.
Training Length: 3 days
Training in ethical concerns related to working with clients who are dealing with suicidal thoughts and behaviors, encourage clinicians to be more cognizant of how their own values, experiences and belief system impact their work.
Training Length: half day
The Connect Youth Leader program engages a core group of youth leaders, in partnership with trained adults, to co-facilitate the Connect curriculum for other teen youth. Youth leaders learn to co-present the Connect training through activities and rehearsing sections of the training, while Connect staff observe, interact, and provide coaching. A key imperative of the Youth Leader training emphasizes that the role of youth is to seek help from a trusted adult when there is a concern, NOT take on the role of a counselor. When training youth in suicide prevention efforts, it is vital to have trusted adults trained as well, so they can respond in an effective manner when approached with concerns for peers at risk.
Training Length: 2 days
The Connect Young Adult Training is for individuals ages 18 to 25. During this training, participants will gain a better understanding of the stigma associated with behavioral health issues and how mental health and substance misuse issues can increase suicide risk in an individual. Participants will also learn how to identify signs of behavioral health risk, how to talk openly with individuals about their concerns, and how to connect them with resources.
Training Length: 2 days
A unique community-based intervention, Connect increases the competence of communities to prevent suicide by recognizing and responding to individuals at risk. This training includes interactive case scenarios and protocols for a variety of settings. The training is intended for adults over 18 years of age.
Versions of this training are available for:
- Community members/Gatekeepers
- Health care providers – Includes 4 CMEs/Nursing Contact Hours
- Mental health providers – includes 4 CEs through NASW
- School personnel
Training Length: self-paced