NH Family Network

Group of teenagers taking a selfie.

About the NHFN

The New Hampshire Family Network (NHFN) provides support, education and advocacy for families supporting youth and children living with mental health challenges.

The NHFN distributes an electronic newsletter periodically throughout the year specifically for families supporting youth and children with mental health challenges. To automatically receive the newsletter, sign up here:

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Recent Newsletters

Together we grow a mentally healthy tomorrow. This purpose unifies our volunteers, guides our program development and rallies our families and community members to come together and take action to improve the mental wellbeing of our state. The New Hampshire Family Network provides a foundation of educational tools and resources, connects families to professionals, educators, and peers to experience support, and inspires individuals to advocate for themselves and their families. Together our shared voices change how we legislate for and support individuals with mental illness across our communities.

Cupped hands holding a dirt with a sprouting plant

What we do:

Collage of photos showing groups of people involved with the NH Family Network

What we provide:

Parent/Caregiver Virtual Support Group. Contact Raya Fratkina - 408-569-0120 or rayaf.nami@gmail.com

NAMI New Hampshire is an affiliate member of the National Federation of Families.