resources and general information
A mental illness is a condition that affects a person’s thinking, feeling, behavior, or mood. Left untreated, they can profoundly disrupt a person’s daily life. Recovery is possible with proper treatment. Successful recovery involves learning about your illness and the treatments available, empowering yourself through the support of peers and family members, and taking action to manage your own illness.
At the heart of NAMI NH’s mission is the sharing of information with individuals, their families, friends, mental health professionals, and the general public. We strive to educate all people about mental health conditions, to eliminate stigma, and to promote access to integrated systems of care and rehabilitation. Click here to learn more about specific mental health conditions from NAMI.
The links below provide valuable resources for recovery from a mental health condition:
Mental Health In New Hampshire Fact Sheet
Community Mental Health Centers in NH provide an array of services and supports and 24/7 emergency services.
Peer Support Agencies provide services by and for people living with a mental illness to assist in their recovery.
Support Groups – NAMI NH offers groups in communities across the state that are facilitated by a trained leader with lived experience who is a family member, parent/caregiver, or person in recovery from a mental health condition.
Onward NH – find help and resources for First Episode Psychosis (FEP) and Early Serious Mental Illness (ESMI).
How to Access Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Benefits – 2023 Update
NH Insurance Department – If you have concerns that your health insurance carrier has failed to comply with state or federal insurance laws, including parity laws, you should contact the New Hampshire Insurance Department for questions or submit a complaint.
Parity: Similar costs and benefits for mental health, substance use disorder, and medical treatments. The costs and benefits do not have to be exactly equal to meet parity standards− just similar.
If you have questions or need assistance making a complaint, you can contact the New Hampshire Insurance Department Consumer Services Unit at 800-852-3416 or by email at
Mental Health Resources for Individuals and Families
Resources for Friends and Family Members
NAMI NH offers a variety of supports to family members who have a loved one with mental illness. In addition to those listed below, we have a large variety of printed materials on various mental illnesses.
Information & Resource Line – To connect with resources and support in the Granite State, call 1-800-242-6264, Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm
Family Support Groups – Offered around the state for family members and friends of adults with mental illness
NAMI FaithNet Resources – Interfaith resources meant to help educate and inspire faith communities about mental illness and the vital role spirituality plays in recovery for many.
Resources for Parents and Guardians
NAMI NH offers a variety of supports to parents who have a child/adolescent with serious emotional disorders. In addition to those listed below, we have a large variety of printed materials on various mental illnesses. Click the links below for more information.
Information & Resource Line – Call 1-800-242-6264 (press 4)
Do you have a child/youth waiting in the Emergency Department for mental health services? NAMI NH offers free Family Peer Support for Parents/Caregivers – contact Heidi Cantin ( or call/text 603-568-5771) during normal business hours (M-F 9-5) or click here to request support.
Parent/Caregiver Guidebook – For parents and caregivers of children/adolescents with serious emotional disorders
Parent Support Groups – Offered around the state for parents who have a child/adolescent with serious emotional disorders
One-on-One Support – Our Family Support Specialist provides one-on-one support to family members seeking assistance – call (603) 225-5359
NH Family Network (NHFN) – Provides support, education, and advocacy for families supporting youth and children living with mental health challenges.
FAST Forward Wraparound Program – Families and Systems Together (FAST) Forward is New Hampshire’s program that provides youth and family-driven wraparound services focused on keeping the child/youth in their home community.
Acute Crisis Care – New Hampshire DHHS
What to Look For and When to Act – NAMI National
Getting Your Child Mental Health Support and Accommodations in School – NAMI National
Protecting the Rights of Parents and Prospective Parents with Disabilities
What Families Can Do When a Child May Have a Mental Illness
If you are worried about your child’s mental health, follow your instincts. Unexplained changes in a child’s behavior and/or mood may be the early warning signs of a mental health condition and should never be ignored.
There are many different types of mental illness, and it isn’t easy to simplify the range of challenges children face. One way to begin to get a handle on this question is to get an evaluation of your child or teen by a licensed mental health professional. Because all children and youth are unique and the local mental health services, insurance coverage and school services vary a great deal from community to community, it is a challenge to find the right kind of help for your child.
NH Children’s Behavioral Health Plan
Learn how you can help move forward the building of a comprehensive, integrated child serving system of care
NH Children’s System of Care Website
Webinar: Guardianship & Supported Decision Making
Resources for Teens and Young Adults
NAMI NH offers several supports to teens and young adults (ages 14-21) who are looking for information and resources to help them successfully transition to adulthood. We also encourage teens and youth to become involved with leadership opportunities to ensure the youth voice is strong and heard regarding the mental health system.
The NAMI Teen & Young Adult (T&YA) HelpLine – A free, nationwide peer-support service providing information, resource referrals and support to teens and young adults. It provides a safe space for young people to connect with peers who understand their struggles and offers them resources and information that help. The NAMI T&YA HelpLine Specialists are young adults with firsthand knowledge of mental health challenges who are experienced, well-trained and available by phone, text or chat to provide resources and guidance so no one needs to go through their mental health struggles alone.
The NAMI Mental Health College Guide provides resources, practices, and collaboration strategies for mental health and wellness in the transition to college life and throughout the college years.
Life Under Construction – Social networking site on Facebook facilitated by a young adult. This site provides information, support, and resources to assist teens and youth with emotional disorders/mental illness transition successfully into adulthood. You’ll also find information about how teens and young adults can get involved and connect with leadership opportunities that can influence policies in mental health, education, and other related areas. Life Under Construction also has a presence on TikTok, Instagram, and X (formerly Twitter).
Youth M.O.V.E. National – This youth-led national organization is devoted to improving services and systems that support positive growth and development by uniting the voices of individuals who have lived experience in various systems including mental health, juvenile justice, education and child welfare. Would you be interested in helping to strengthen the voice of youth in the NH policy-making process? Get involved in the development of the NH chapter. Contact
The Tribe Wellness Community – A free, online support community offering members a safe place to connect on various mental health challenges, including a dedicated group for teens.
Your Life Your Voice – This resource provides information for teens on coping skills, anxiety, depression, and more, as well as ways to get help 24/7 via call, text, or email.
Trevor Project — TrevorSpace – This moderated online space offers an affirming, global community for LGBTQ+ young people to explore their identity, get advice, and find support.
Suicide Loss Support Group – This Survivor Support Group offers an opportunity for people who have lost a loved one by suicide to connect with other survivors in a safe and healing environment. This group is open to teens aged 13 to 17 who have lost a loved one to suicide. The group will be led by two local survivors of suicide loss, one of which is a masters-level clinician specializing in child and adolescent psychology who works closely with adolescents and has previous experience as a local therapist.
Center of Excellence on Social Media and Youth Mental Health – This resource from the American Academy of Pediatrics works to support and educate youth in healthy social media use and mitigate the potentially harmful impacts of social media on mental well-being.
A Youth Guide to Treatment and Treatment Planning: A Better Life – This workbook for youth by Dr. Mary Grealish and Dr. Mark Chenven provides strategies to encourage them to engage in their treatment planning, using a strengths-based approach.
Social Media and Mental Health – NAMI National
Your Mental Health and School – NAMI National
Find more resources for kids, teens, and young adults from NAMI National.
NAMI NH Information and Resource Line – Call (800) 242-6264 ext. 4, Monday – Friday, 9 am – 5 pm or email
NAMI NH Membership – The voice of youth is essential to the transformation of NH’s public mental health system. Become a member today!
Resources for Older Adults
Side by Side – A program promoting mental health for older adults, their families, and caregivers.
SPRC Older Adult Suicide Prevention Resources
Dartmouth Aging Resource Center: Aging Resource Center | DHMC and Clinics (
Center for Mental Health & Aging: Mental Health Education for Older Adults, Caregivers & Professionals (
SAGE is the country’s largest and oldest organization dedicated to improving the lives of LGBTQ+ older people.
This Chair Rocks: This Chair Rocks – pushing back against ageism—which affects everyone
Part 1 of the Elder Health Video Series from the Endowment for Health
Part 2 of the Elder Health Video Series from the Endowment for Health
More Resources
Please note: The resources included here are not endorsed by NAMI NH, and NAMI NH is not responsible for the content of or service provided by any of these resources.