603 Stories: Ashley & Bri’s Stories

NAMI New Hampshire
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Two separate images of individuals below the logo for 603 Stories.

Stories connect us. By sharing our stories, we can raise awareness around the realities of mental health and suicide prevention, connect with our fellow Granite Staters, and create hope.

Launched in 2020, the 603 Stories anti-stigma campaign uses story-sharing to reduce the stigma around mental illness that can prevent people from connecting to support and resources. Through a variety of mediums, from written word, to video, to painting or photography, 603 Stories gives real Granite Staters the opportunity to express how their lives have been affected by mental illness, substance use disorders, and suicide. Touching, powerful, and illuminating, these stories show us the power of lived experience and the hope in community. 

In “Eat This, Not That,” Ashley tells her story of living with anxiety and an eating disorder, as well as the impact of mental health and substance use on her family and the process of recovery.

“That was my first experience with anxiety—at least, the first one I can remember. Don’t worry, even if I didn’t remember, there are pictures. At such a young age, my anxiety went unnoticed. It was easy to overlook, and I’m sure it’s a common experience—or at least I hope it is.

Even though I started experiencing anxiety as early as three years old, it went untreated for years— through no fault of anyone. Symptoms of anxiety are tricky little monsters, hiding in plain sight.”

In “Bri’s Story,” we learn about the impacts of trauma, substance use, and justice involvement.

“The reward of getting out of addiction, for me, was not a house or car, salary, or successful career. It’s an inner peace and this ability to be with myself. My experience in this world now is such a gift. The novelty has not worn off, even after 10 years. I still cry with gratitude regularly. I’m so grateful for every emotion, even the difficult ones. Today, I get to decide who I am, and I like myself. And that’s something no one and nothing can take from me.”

Through these stories, we not only find the realities of life with a mental health condition, but also gain the certainty that recovery and healing are possible — not just for our storytellers, but for us all.

To read these stories and more, visit www.603stories.org

If you or a family member/loved one have been affected by mental illness or suicide, we encourage you to share your experience to help our entire Granite State community.

The 603 Stories initiative is coordinated by NAMI New Hampshire, with major support from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and the NH Department of Health & Human Services Bureau of Mental Health Services.